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Pustaka Linguistik Arab, Sastra Arab dan Studi Islam

KATALOG PERPUSTAKAAN SASTRA ARABLinguistik Arab II Sastra Arab II Budaya Arab II Studi Islam: A. PUSTAKA SEJARAH SASTRA ARAB KLASIK (450-1250) & (1250-1800)KodePenulisJudul BukuTahunhlm1911_Foجرجي زيدانتاريخ آداب اللغة العربية المجلد 1-41911-191414001914w...

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Jurnal Ilmiah Tentang Timur Tengah

Jurnal Ilmiah yang mereview Timur Tengah The Oxford Middle East Review (OMER)::, established in 2016 at St Antony’s College, Oxford, is a student-run, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal for discussion and debate on issues relating to the Middle East and North Africa. Full Text Open Acce...

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Sejarah Sastra Arab Klasik

SEJARAH SASTRA ARAB KLASIK  Sejarah Sastra Arab Klasik 450-1800_Kajian Umum  :: Era Jahiliyyah 450-610 II Era Shadr al-Islam 610-661 II Era Kekhalifahan Umayyah di Damaskus 661-750 II Era Kekhalifahan Abbasiyah  Pertama  ...

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Pustaka Teori Sastra

Pustaka Teori Sastra Terry Eagleton, How To Read Literature, London: Yale University Press, 2013. 226 hlm. ISBN:  978-0-300-19096-0Terry Eagleton, How To Read a Poem, UK: Blackwell Publishing, 2007. 194 hlm. ISBN:  978-1-4051-5141-2. *** Teori Linguistik ...

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Pustaka Teori Linguistik

Pustaka Teori Linguistik Ferdinand de Saussure, Cours de Linguistique Générale, [Ilmuwan dari negara Swiss]Ferdinand de Saussure, penerjemah Wade Baskin, Cours de Linguistique Générale, USA: The Philosophical Library, 1959. 264 hlm.Ferdinand de Saussure, penerjemah Rahayu S Hidaya...

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