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Jurnal Ilmiah yang mereview Timur Tengah 

The Oxford Middle East Review (OMER)::, established in 2016 at St Antony’s College, Oxford, is a student-run, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal for discussion and debate on issues relating to the Middle East and North Africa. Full Text Open Acces 2017-2021. II Issues menarik [1] From Protest, to Committee, to Consensus: Co-optation of the 2011 Revolutionary Movement in Yemen (2021), [2] The Quest for Islam in a Virtual Maze: How the Internet is Shaping Religious  Knowledge among Young Muslims in Berlin-Kreuzberg (2018) 

The Middle East Institute:: Founded in 1946, the Middle East Institute is the oldest Washington-based institution dedicated solely to the study of the Middle East. It is a non-partisan think tank providing expert policy analysis, educational and professional development services, and a hub for engaging with the region's arts and culture. Our Mission "To increase knowledge of the Middle East among citizens of the United States and to promote a better understanding between the people of these two areas" :: Middle East Institute 1763 N St. NW, Washington D.C. 20036 II Peta Timur Tengah nampak dalam laman experts:  THE MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL  is the oldest peer-reviewed publication dedicated to the study of the modern Middle East. First printed in 1947, the Journal continues to present readers with original and objective research and analysis, as well as source material, on the area from Morocco to Pakistan (Wilayah Timur tengah menurut MEI). Arsip Middle East Journal 1947-2018 dalam JSTOR:: Arsip dalam Ingenta

International Journal of Middle East Studies (IJMES) IJMES focuses on the area encompassing the Middle East and adjacent geo-cultural regions from the seventh century to the present. This area includes North and Sub-Saharan Africa, the Arab, Turkic and Persianate worlds, the Mediterranean and Balkans, Central, South and Southeast Asia and areas to which peoples from these lands have migrated or settled. Essays on communities that have historical, political, cultural or religious ties to the Middle East and on transnational or trans-regional relations are encouraged. Particular attention will be paid to works dealing with anthropology, art and architecture, cultural studies, economics, gender and LGBQT studies, history, indigenous studies, law, literature, political science, religious studies, and sociology. IJMES does not accept technical or highly specialized material, nor does it publish in the areas of administration or training. University of Cambridge, Website resmi Universitas ,  Cambridge, England, United Kingdom. Arsip Journal IJMES-All issues 1970-sekarang :: Nomor Terakhir :: Open acces:: ARSIP dalam JSTOR::

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