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Kategori Univerasl Budaya
A. Kategori Tujuh Univerasal Budaya Menurut Clyde Kluckhohn (1905-1960) Antropolog Amerika
- Sistem bahasa
- Sistem pengetahuan
- Sistem organisasi sosial
- Sistem peralatan hidup dan teknologi
- Sistem mata pencarian
- Sistem religi
- Kesenian.
B. Kategori Sepuluh Univerasal Budaya dipublikasikan J WItter
- Geography
- Language
- Family
- FCTS (food, clothing, transport, shelter)
- VBR (values, beliefs, rituals)
- Economics
- Education
- Politics
- Technology
- Cultural Expression
C. Kategori Donald Brown's list in Human Universals: Ini adalah daftar yang dibuat oleh Wikipedia
a) Language and cognition (Linguistic universal)
1) Language is translatable
2) Abstraction in speech and thought
4) Logical notions of
"and", "not", "opposite", "equivalent",
"part/whole", "general/particular"
5) Binary cognitive distinctions
6) Color terms: black, white
7) Classification of: age, behavioral propensities, body parts,
colors, fauna, flora, inner states, kin, gender, space, tools, weather
8) Continua (ordering as cognitive pattern)
9) Discrepancies between speech, thought, and action
10) Figurative speech, metaphors
11) Symbolism, symbolic speech
12) Synesthetic metaphors
13) Tabooed utterances
14) Special speech for special occasions
15) Prestige from proficient use of language (e.g. poetry)
16) Planning
17) Units of time
18) Language employed to manipulate others
19) Language employed to misinform or mislead
b) Society
2) Family or household
3) Kin groups
4) Peer groups not based on family
5) Actions under self-control distinguished from those not under
6) Affection expressed and felt
7) Age grades
8) Age statuses
9) Age terms
10) Law: rights and obligations, rules of
11) Moral sentiments
12) Distinguishing right and wrong, good and bad
13) Promise/oath
14) Prestige inequalities
16) Leaders
17) De facto oligarchy
18) Property
19) Coalitions
20) Collective identities
21) Conflict
22) Cooperative labor
23) Gender roles
24) Males on average travel greater distances over lifetime
25) Marriage
26) Husband older than wife
on average
27) Copulation normally conducted in privacy
28) Incest prevention or avoidance, incest
between mother and son unthinkable or tabooed
29) Collective decision
30) Etiquette
31) Inheritance rules
32) Generosity admired, gift giving
33) Mood- or consciousness-altering techniques and/or substances
34) Redress of wrongs, sanctions
35) Sexual jealousy
36) Sexual violence
37) Shame
38) Territoriality
39) Triangular awareness (assessing relationships among the self and
two other people)
40) Some forms of proscribed violence
41) Visiting
42) Trade
c. Beliefs (Myth and ritual)
2) Use of magic to increase life and win love
3) Beliefs about death
4) Beliefs about disease
5) Beliefs about fortune and misfortune
6) Divination
7) Attempts to control weather
8) Dream interpretation
9) Beliefs and narratives
10) Proverbs, sayings
11) Poetry/rhetorics
12) Healing practices, medicine
13) Childbirth customs
14) Rites of passage
15) Music, rhythm, dance, and to
some degree associations between music and emotion
16) Play
17) Toys, playthings
18) Death rituals, mourning
19) Feasting
20) Body adornment
21) Hairstyles
22) Art
4. d. Technology
1) Shelter
3) Tools, tool making
4) Weapons, spear
5) Containers
6) Cooking
7) Lever
8) Rope
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