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Pierre Bourdieu (1930 – 23 January 2002) Ilmuwan Perancis 

  1. WIkipedia 67 Bahasa
  2. Artikel_2020_Smith, M. K. (2020). Pierre Bourdieu on education: Habitus, capital, and field. Reproduction in the practice of education, the encyclopaedia of pedagogy and informal education. Ulasan Komplit terhadap sejarah hidup dan juga prinsip-prinsip teorinya dengan merujuk bukunya Bourdieu. 
  3. Kanal Youtube KPG, Pierre Bourdieu: Teori Arena | Philosophy Underground 2019: Filsafat Ilmu_Dr Harytamoko memberi kuliah selama 2 jam tentang Bourdie
  4. Kanal Youtube, FILSAFAT PIERRE BOURDIEU #1 (Dr. Haryatmoko, SJ.) ; FILSAFAT PIERRE BOURDIEU #2 (Dr. Haryatmoko, SJ.) [habitus]; FILSAFAT PIERRE BOURDIEU #3 (Dr. Haryatmoko, SJ.);  FILSAFAT PIERRE BOURDIEU #4 (Dr. Haryatmoko, SJ.); FILSAFAT PIERRE BOURDIEU #5 (Dr. Haryatmoko, SJ.)
  5.  Reza A.A Wattimena, Berpikir Kritis bersama Pierre Bourdieu, Ulasan sederhana 
  6. Cultural capital or habitus? Bourdieu and beyond in the explanation of enduring educational inequality

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