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Seri Tokoh Sastraw Arab Modern # 7

Taufiq al-Hakim  توفيق الحكيم

9 Oktober 1898-26 Juli 1987 

A. Biografi

  1. Wikipedia 26 Bahasa: Taufiq al-Hakim
  2. Britannica : Tawfīq al-Ḥakīm Egyptian author 
  3. Al-Jazera_2021_توفيق الحكيم.. من عودة الروح إلى عودة الوعي
  4. The National_2020_Who was Tawfiq al-Hakim? Egyptian author revealed to be a contender for 1969 Nobel Prize for Literature
  5. ArabLit_2010_Neglected Treasures: Tawfiq al-Hakim’s /The People of the Cave/

B. Karya-karyanya 

  1. Maktabah Kotobati_Taufiq al-Hakim

C. Kajian Tentang Tokoh dan Karyanya

  1. 2023_Artikel_Sufism Literature: Divinity Philosophy in Taufiq al-Hakim’s Short Story Arinillah
  2. 2021_Artikel_Tawfiq Al-Hakim, The Pioneer of Introduction of Literature into Dramatics
  3. 2003_Buku_ William M. Hutchins Tawfiq al-Hakim: A Reader's Guide (Pustaka BSA)
  4. ِ 

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