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Tolerance is not the trademark of Homo sapiens (Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens, 2012).

Throughout history, our species has been responsible for the extinction of various species in our planet, including the extinction of other human species so that only Homo sapiens is the solitary human species on earth. We react strongly to differences. The slightest difference can trigger an attitude of anti-tolerance. Because of this intolerance’s disposition, we have become the greatest ecological serial killers in history. Although not always actual, this character is within our genes passed on by our ancestors. This is something we need to be mindful of, this feature is immanent inside us.


Examples of behavior contrary to the principle of tolerance are often found around us. Recently it is a viral video recorded an incident on the slopes of Mount Semeru, East Java when someone damaged properties by kicking offerings given by local residents. There is a difference of belief between the perpetrator and the local community. From here, we can see that the differences in beliefs between the perpetrators and local residents can evoke an aggressive disposition in a person which results in the destruction of properties that has gone viral.


The anti-tolerance attitude of the perpetrators who went viral in cyberspace then triggered another backlash. When we enter the virtual world, all possibilities can happen. We cannot predict with certainty what will happen. Anger arises from various parties, both in the real world, especially in the virtual world. Those who are pro and contra have arguments about it. This actually reinforces the thesis that was stated earlier that tolerance is not a characteristic of all of us, it is not a characteristic of our species Homo Sapiens, coupled with the reality of the virtual world which exacerbates the situation.


When we use the term Homo sapiens, we mean that we are talking in a natural biological order. Human and other creatures are within this order. This intolerant nature has been ingrained in us through the genes inherited from our ancestors. Nevertheless, are we just biological beings who are solely subject to natural biological laws? Is our primary identity simply as Homo Sapiens? It is not. The distinction of human over other species is their ability to transcend the natural biological things that are immanent in him.


Going beyond these immanent natural biological things can be called 'transcendence'. So far, only our species is capable of 'transcendence', whether it be through religion, morality, art, culture, science and technology. We don't know if this would no longer be monopolized by our species, it could be that other species or extra intelligences are also able to do it. From these various examples, we could perceive that religion and morality are a form of 'transcendence' that transcends natural biological things that are immanent within us.


In the context of the anti-tolerance that is immanent in oneself, apologizing for a culpability is a form of 'transcendence'. Such an attitude of forgiveness is almost unknown in the biological realm. The applicable provisions are a struggle to achieve self-preservation, namely 'survival for the fittest'. What is common is to retaliate if the parties involved are balanced, or use force to establish dominance if one party is stronger than the other. Through forgiveness we basically do a 'transcendence' because it means going beyond the effort of revenge to balance the loss. The resolution is to write off the existing losses, not by asking for compensation for the losses suffered. This is an altruistic attitude that overcomes and transcends the immanent egoistic manner. This is the initial foundation of morality, where we are able to resist the natural impulses that exist in ourselves as a manifestation of freedom.


From various cases of intolerance around us, it can be understood that intolerance can lead to new intolerance. One attitude is reciprocated with another attitude, the law of 'an eye for an eye' applies. It becomes a vicious circle that continues and does not stop. This has happened to our species and to other species throughout history. We are able to break this cycle because we are able to do 'transcendence' that is through forgiveness.


Forgiveness is certainly not a convenient matter. However, we need to do it to break the chain of immanent anti-tolerance within us. Someone has to initiate. Religious leaders and intellectuals are expected parties because their matter directly related to the transcendental.

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